Road Assistance

What Is Roadside Assistance?
Roadside assistance is coverage you can add to your car insurance policy to help when you find yourself stranded due to unexpected car trouble – like a dead car battery. This can happen when you’re at work, out running errands, or even when you’re at home.
What Does Roadside Assistance Cover?
Over the course of your lifetime, chances are good that someday your car will get a flat tire, run out of gas or have a mechanical problem. And there you'll be — stuck on the side of the road. But with Roadside Assistance Coverage, you can have peace of mind knowing that help is just a phone call away.
Because we know that everyone is different, we offer two levels of coverage, depending on individual needs. Some people just want a basic roadside coverage because they aren't out on the road all that much, while others may be looking for something more.
Need Roadside Assistance Help Now?
For Roadside Assistance help call 800.CLAIM33
(1.800.252.4633) option 3
Roadside Assistance
Roadside assistance will provide towing service up to 15 miles, as well as services such as a jump start, fuel delivery*, flat tire change and lockout assistance. You simply call the toll-free roadside assistance number and help will be on its way.
Premier Roadside Assistance® Package
Premier Roadside Assistance will provide towing service up to 100 miles, as well as services such as jump start, fuel delivery*, flat tire change and lockout assistance.
This package also provides trip interruption coverage, which means you may be eligible for reimbursement of $200 a day (to a maximum of $600) for meals and lodging if your breakdown occurs at least 100 miles from home and your vehicle is out of commission for more than 24 hours.
In addition, Premier Roadside Assistance includes personal property coverage with a $500 limit, which provides coverage to replace stolen or damaged personal property as a result of a covered, paid comprehensive or collision loss.
*The cost of fuel is not included.
Roadside Assistance Coverage vs. Premier Roadside Assistance® Package
Travelers two options for Roadside Assistance Coverage are designed to help give customers peace of mind whether they are commuting to work or taking a long trip. Here’s a snapshot comparison:
Plan Features
Roadside Assistance Coverage
Premier Roadside Assistance*
Towing up to a mileage limit up to point of disablement or to the nearest service station
Up to 15 Miles
Up to 100 miles
Dead Battery/Jump Start
(not including cost of battery)
Fuel Delivery
(not including cost of fuel)
Flat Tire Change
Lockout Assistance
Roadside Winching
Trip Interruption Coverage - reimbursement for disablement that occurs more than 100 miles from primary residence address. $200 per day up to a maximum of $600 total for lodging, meals and alternate transportation.
Personal Property Coverage - $500 of coverage for personal property damaged or stolen as part of a comprehensive, collision or glass loss. Includes loss to portable sound receiving and transmitting equipment and items such as CDs and DVDs.
One Call Gets You Help - Fast
With Roadside Assistance Coverage or Premier Roadside Assistance package, your roadside service is available 24/7. You simply call 800.CLAIM33 (800.252.4633), select Option 3, and roadside services will be dispatched to help with your flat, refuel* or jump start your car, or give you a tow.
So, if you're a driver who takes frequent road trips — or has a family who depends on you for safety and comfort on the road — consider the peace of mind Roadside Assistance Coverage can provide. Get a car insurance quote or contact your local independent agent.
*The cost of fuel is not included.
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