Safe Driving on Winter Roads

During the winter months, we are sometimes granted the beauty of snow, but with beautiful snow come dangerous road conditions. We all can not always stay indoors or play outside during these “snow days,” so if you have to get out on the road, it is crucial to be prepared and to drive cautiously on the road during severe winter weather conditions.
Before any precipitation hits the ground, you should prepare your automobile in case you have to drive during severe winter weather. When you see snow in the forecast, make sure you have at least a half full tank of gas, and that your tires are properly inflated. If you are planning on a long-distance trip and winter weather is in the forecast, be sure to let others know of the route that you plan to take, where you are traveling, and your estimated time of arrival. Keep an extra set of warm clothes, a charged cell phone, a blanket, and drinkable water in your car in case of road delays. If you find that you need to conserve gasoline in standstill traffic, only run the heater and engine just long enough to remove the chill. Above all, please delay any long-distance trip if there is a threat of severe winter weather along your route.
Driving in the winter weather is not impossible; keep the following tips in mind if you must hit the road. Keep it slow. Apply gas slowly to accelerate your vehicle to avoid skidding and to regain traction. Obviously, it takes longer to slow down on slippery roads, so be sure to apply brakes softly when approaching red lights, stop signs, and stopped cars. At times, it might be better to slow roll instead of applying breaks to come to a complete stop because the amount of inertia it takes to start a stopped vehicle on slippery roads is more than on a dry road. Avoid hilly roads at all costs if possible; however, if you need to drive up or down a hilly road keep the following in mind. When driving up a hill, do not power up. Instead, try to build a little inertia before reaching the hill to allow that to power you up the hill. When driving on the interstate, do not use your cruise control on snowy, icy, or wet roads. The key to driving in winter weather is to drive slowly and steadily because a quick change in speed can be extremely detrimental.
Since we are in the peak of the winter months, we need to remind ourselves of these things so that we all stay safe on the roads during winter weather. Remember: If you do not have to be on the roads, stay home because even if you know how to drive in the snow, others may not! Here at THW Insurance we will help you file claims if you become of victim of wintry road conditions. Please contact us at (615) 443-3849.
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